Thursday, July 30, 2009

old journal entries

from times long since passed. & fah-reakin emo. wtf. but something weird & retrospective-esque in me had to type it out. 

eh. there it is...

(no title)
white ocean mists filming a scrim my hand passes through. 
two planes soft & bottomless - 
the ever-thinning shaft of blue now a sliver, now a memory. 
until we rise again. 
the soft ceiling dissipating into cyan. 
my resolve hits and becomes stone. 
immovable still transparent. 
it must remain. 
a ripple. 
white foamy tide, some wisp of a 30,000 foot wave not breaking. 
the surface i fall through, my mind. 
carry my heart above give me the blue the spy in that gold haze blinding me.
a dark green spot the shape of everything everywhere my eyes search. 
what's below is churning all on the path to my home... 
but for that streak in the distance a comet of mere human proportions but a comet all the same & i'll take it. 
what is this landscape now. 
the soft sea has passed. 
full of canyons & crevices. 
a place for me to hide. 
the buoy to hold me afloat. 
an eternity i can see. 
the reflection of which i cannot touch.

1 & a half hours
(into the morning)
the light outside 
so clear it cuts
my sight
meandering thoughts
stick on nothing
in particular
but a door some
random objects
displaced in the light
dreams in anime
waking mind
still soft
1 & a half hours
the morning
a question mark lost
in a red plastic song

(no title)
never wipe red off the blade
the execution of words in
my head thrashes to flight
of the angry bumble bees and
a brash trumpet solo
today is a low flying object
a cartoon while
the sun gets high slicing
the blue battle cry
screaming morning
synapses a warrior
woman army waging war
on my weak blood

(no title)
what madness is this
that closes a fist
on the fleeting serenity
the glare of the screen
smirks at me

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