Wednesday, March 24, 2010

on art, fashion & where we draw the line. a friend's opinion.

my friend & very talented photographer, sophia wallace, has a seemingly different opinion than i on the subject of the latest uproar over terry richardson. i will hasten to say that we don't diverge all that much, though her argument is stronger, smarter & much worth the read. please see below.

i will still say this. contrary to what one might think, given my rant-y stance on this whole brouhaha, i am not remotely down with child abuse. give me a break. if that's your takeaway, you don't know me very well.

but per my blog from yesterday, i will call out the industry hypocrites who already condone a practice that is rife throughout their messaging. they broadcast it globally, ad nauseum, & then chastise 1 single guy among many who may or may not be doing something beyond the image. seriously, if you all know he's a perv...!?

i ask again, where the fuck are the chaperones?

i think sophia's blog says it well. better than well. she kinda schooled me a bit & i like it. my opinion doesn't change but we should take a long, second, third & fourth glance at what she has to say. then look in the mirror again.

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