Wednesday, February 29, 2012

join or die.

i really do have a soft spot for skaters, so nyc street skating slays me. killer, killer moves from badass 5boro. aptly titled, "join or die".

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

grabbing the bull by the horns.

holy. what. the... in my next life, i'm coming back with powder skills. for now, i take a breather from fashion awe for a different kind of awe. red bull supernatural.

dark victory.

nocturnal romance deftly delivered by frida giannini.
gucci, fall 2012.

images pulled from

sarah burton takes low high

lower price tags be damned, mcQ takes the baby sister brand to luxe goth goddess heights.
mcQ fall 2012 selects.

images from

Sunday, February 5, 2012

bad girls do it well.

new m.i.a., with hero collaborator, romain gavras directing.

M.I.A, Bad Girls from ROMAIN-GAVRAS on Vimeo.

Director : Romain Gavras
Director of Photography : André Chemetoff
Producer : Mourad Belkeddar
Production company : ICONOCLAST.TV